Towards a Minimum Digital Living Standard – Interim report launch

The Minimum Digital Living Standards (MDLS) team has published interim reports on what households with children need to meet the Minimum Digital Living Standard

The Minimum Digital Living Standard (MDLS) is a new benchmark that establishes the basket of goods, services, and skills necessary to feel included in the digital world. Good Things Foundation is a founding member of the MDLS team, which is led by Professor Simeon Yates.

Based on the Minimum Income Standard (MIS) methodology, MDLS takes a citizen and societal approach using a series of deliberative groups (with parents and with young people) to establish what households with children require to be digitally included.

‘A minimum digital standard of living includes, but is more than, having accessible internet, adequate equipment, and the skills, knowledge and support people need. It is about being able to communicate, connect and engage with opportunities safely and with confidence’.

MDLS definition

The MDLS team has published findings from the first stage of the UK-wide proof-of-concept project funded by the Nuffield Foundation and Nominet. The report covers the development of a Minimum Digital Living Standard and what members of the public think is needed to meet the standard for households with children. A final report, including findings from a nationally representative sample survey, will follow later in 2023. 

Alongside, the Welsh Government has commissioned the MDLS team and partners in Wales to help develop a Minimum Digital Living Standard for Wales.

Below, you’ll find the summary of the MDLS interim report. You’ll also find links to the MDLS project website and publications, including the Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard report:

Discover the latest MDLS findings. 

On 15th March, the MDLS project team shared their latest research during an online event. Watch the on-demand webinar to find out what members of the public felt should be in the MDLS ‘basket’ for households with children.

The team also share findings from research to develop a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard.